Thursday, January 15, 2015

Notes from the HIES Alumni Panel

Last week, eight alumni gathered as a panel to offer insight into their college search, application, and match process and to share how their transition to college has been.  First-semester freshmen Amber Abernathy, Madison Collins, Robert Beeland, Michael Henley, Bailey Lyles, Ashlyn Masters, Peter Myer, and Grant Wilmer spoke to the junior and senior classes.  It's exciting to hear how well our graduates are doing in college, and it's fun to notice the ways in which they've grown and changed.  Each is having a unique experience at their school and each had some especially poignant things to share with the group.  Below are some notes from the panel.

  • Take AP tests seriously - testing out of intro-level classes is really helpful for your schedule.  
  • If you can, take calculus in high school - especially if you are interested in business, engineering, or pre-med.  College calculus classes move quickly.  Having a foundation from high school is a huge help.  
  • Work hard at HI and you'll be well prepared for college courses.  
  • The easiest way to make friends is to be open and unafraid of stepping out of your comfort zone.  Remember that every other freshman is just as new as you, and just as interested in meeting people and settling in. 
  • Pay attention to your daily routine.  Find what works for you in terms of managing classes with your sleep schedule and social activities.  
  • There are lots of things happening, and you can't do everything.  Be careful to pick and choose what you're involved in so that you also have time to take care of yourself, manage your studies, and sleep.  
  • Trust your instincts when picking a school.  Even if you apply to many places, remember how you feel when you visit a campus.  If you need to, keep notes to remind yourself of your first impressions on a campus.  

Amber Abernathy, Brandeis University
Madison Collins, Virginia Tech
Robert Beeland, Sewanee: The University of the South
Michael Henley, University of Southern California
Bailey Lyles, University of Georgia
Ashlyn Masters, Auburn University
Peter Myer, St. Andrews University (Scotland)/ The College of William and Mary
Grant Wilmer, Carnegie Mellon University