Friday, January 26, 2018

Gap Year Interview with an HIES Alum

I've blogged previously about Reese Foster ('16), currently a freshman at the University of Denver.  Before he began his freshman year in August, Reese opted to take a year off to travel and live abroad, first in Nepal, then in Chile.  It was a life-changing, educational year for Reese.  Recently he shared a few thoughts on his time in Nepal.  Here's our conversation:

Why did you choose to take a gap year?  Why the specific places you chose? 

The Gap Year was something that I didn't really think about until most of my college acceptances had rolled in. Once I decided to take a Gap Year in the spring, it became a decision of where I was going to go and what I was going to do. I wasn't really sure and so I started looking at different programs like Rustic Pathways, NOLS, Winterline, Seamester, etc... When I found Where There Be Dragons I knew that it was the program I wanted.

WTBD's main focus is diving deep into the culture of the places they go, and this was something I wanted to experience. Originally I applied for the "Andes and Amazon" trip located in Peru and Bolivia. However, after hearing about Nepal from my phone interview I decided to switch programs. I chose the East, and more specifically Nepal, because of how far out it was from my comfort zone. It's also about as far away from home as you can get, which was something I felt like I needed.

What was your life like in Nepal?  What types of things were you learning?

Life in Nepal was, to say the least, different and unfamiliar. There was nothing there I'd ever seen before, so everything was a new experience. It was also my first time traveling to a "third world" country, so seeing the poverty, living conditions, and general environment caused quite a bit of culture shock. Like anything though, you learn to shift your paradigms and become more comfortable with your surroundings.

Everyday was a new day of learning for me, wether it was structured by WTBD or not. Except for the last three weeks, we had a two hour language class every day. We focused our learning on the region we were in, talking about religion (mainly Hinduism and Buddhism), comparative issues, local politics, and worldly issues that affected Nepal. We also studied meditation and yoga practices. During our urban homestay, which lasted about five weeks, we all worked on ISPs (Independent Study Projects). These were all done individually and through a local mentor. People in my group studied everything from yoga and meditation to painting and eastern architecture. I studied blacksmithing, and made knifes called kukuris. The kukuri is a traditional military and ceremonial tool used throughout the Nepali culture and armed forces. The kukuri is a very common symbol of national pride as they were used by the Ghurkas (Nepali military force) to defend Nepal from invading British troops. Nepal is the only failed colonial attempt by the British and because of this Ghurkas have since been invited to serve (and currently do) in the British armed forces.

What about your time at HIES prepared you for Nepal?  What were things you couldn’t have possibly been prepared for?

I think that HIES prepared me in the sense of trying new things and not being afraid of failure. HIES always pushed me to go further, explore deeper, and to push myself even when I didn’t have to.

Of course, there were many things I couldn’t have possibly been prepared for, such as the culture shock. Nothing can prepare you to see the levels of poverty, chaos, and ruin seen in countries like Nepal.

What were some details that struck you about the community or about your experience? 

What really stood out to me was that even through all the disorder and poverty people still get along and respect each other. There’s hardly any crime and people helping others is a sight seen often. It comes in part from the local religious practices, but I think it also stems from everyone wanting to succeed and become better. As I travelled around the country and explored different cities and villages a common theme I noticed was how older generations support younger generations in being progressive. For instance, one might send their child from the village to Kathmandu rather than have them work in the fields in hopes of achieving higher education and a better paying job. This is limited in part by the social class system of Hinduism, but most of the younger people are seeking modern jobs in lieu of traditional occupations. The downside of this unfortunately is a loss of very unique and ancient traditional culture as cities become more “westernized”.

What have you learned about yourself through your travels?  

Aside from bursting the “buckhead bubble” I’ve learned that if I want to do something I can do it, I just have to decide how I want to get there. I’ve learned that even though individuals have different socioeconomic statuses, different religious views, or different sexual or gender orientations we’re all just human and if you put the effort in you can communicate with anyone on a simply human level. I’ve learned the importance of learning such as learning new languages, learning new cultures, and learning new comfort zones. Traveling abroad opens your mind to so many new experiences that you never could have at home, such as eating a goat blood popsicle (don’t recommend it) or hanging off the back of a bus on the highway. One of the most important things I’ve learned is that you can’t expect others to broaden your horizons. You have to get out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there. You might have an embarrassing moment or two, but they’re just times to grow from and laugh about later.

Would you recommend taking time to travel? 

Yes. Just go, don’t think about it too much. Leave room for exploration and unexpected adventures.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

College Admission Forum: Notes

Last Wednesday night, the college counseling office hosted a panel of senior admission officers from colleges around the country.  Sophomore and junior families enjoyed a wide-ranging conversation on the college admission landscape and learned more about each institution represented.  Our colleagues from Dartmouth College, American University, Rhodes College, and the University of Georgia reminded students to take ownership of their college application journey and reminded our families to seek the best individual fit for each prospective college student.  Managing and taming anxiety was a key theme, alongside numerous tips and suggestions for creating winning applications.  We are grateful to all who came out for this annual program to hear from our visiting experts.  For those interested, notes are available below.

What does your application review look like? 

  • UGA – Formulaic process for EA, then holistic review for RD and those deferred from EA.  Classes and grade trends are critical.  Readers are looking for the narrative of the transcript, the context within school and at home.  What did you do with what was available to you?  Socially and academically what might you do on campus at UGA?  Careful with your application – proofread, be deliberate, be specific about UGA.  Rigor is most important in years closest to college start (junior and senior), and it’s good to see growth over time.  
  • Rhodes – Academics are the most important thing.  “Activities can heal the sick; they can’t raise the dead.”  Being president of each club doesn’t overcome a terrible academic record.  Get to know your college counseling staff – counselor letters matter; conversations and relationships carry weight.  Explaining context can mean a lot to the admission side.  
  • Dartmouth – Beyond what’s been mentioned, don’t underestimate the importance of junior-year teacher relationships – these teachers will write your recommendations.  It’s ok to ask the teacher who gave you strongest grade, but that’s not necessarily the only person you should ask.  Better to ask someone who knows you well, can speak to your work ethic, efforts.  OK to ask someone who saw you struggle – even if they didn’t give you the strongest grade.  
  • American – What are the things that make you unique? What are the things that make you stand out?  Additional things that can help include: demonstrated interest – meet the college admission rep who visits your campus, go to visit the college, make a connection; take opportunity to interview when you can – a good way to stand out, make a personal connection.  

What is a rigorous curriculum?  What is best when picking classes?  

  • The choices you make as a 9th and 10th grader matter.  These things set the tone for the options you’ll have later.  Challenge yourself within the institution where you are and to the level where you can be successful – not the most AP possible, not every honors class.  There’s no magic number.   Don’t build your high school transcript to get into a specific college. Gradual increase over time is advisable.  
  • We’d prefer you take classes you love, that you’re passionate about. 

What about standardized tests?  Test optional?

  • At American, no SAT or ACT is required at all.  Some students would rather only be evaluated based on four years of classroom work and grades. Take advantage of free prep – mock SAT/ACT at HIES, Khan Academy (SAT), Kaplan (ACT).  Don’t over-test – a couple sittings, but not 5-6+
  • Be aware of schools that ask for SAT subject tests (Dartmouth is one, but not required).  These are an opportunity to showcase your knowledge in specific subject area.  Choose tests where you’ll do best – showcase your strengths.  And don’t bomb your AP tests – these are additional places to show strength, especially in subjects you might want to study in college.  

Should you know your major before you apply?

  • At many colleges, a major is not declared until spring of sophomore year.  Be careful letting major guide your college choice unless you’re truly driven toward that thing.  Explore, take advantage of college opportunities.  It’s OK to change your mind; undecided students aren’t at a disadvantage.    

How important are extracurriculars?  Are some more valuable than others?

  • Spend your time doing what you enjoy.  When you enjoy something, you’ll do well and stick with it.  Don’t try and find a specific niche to fill; follow the things that bring you joy and then tell the college about why you like them, why you do them.  Seek quality over quantity.  

What makes for good essay writing in a college app?

  • Good idea to brainstorm early.  Stay away from: bodily functions, gross encounters, inappropriate language, stories about people that aren’t you (family, heroes, etc).  Be vivid with your language, specific in your experiences. 
  • Careful with words, tone, authenticity.  Too many essays are fake, inauthentic, boring.  Don’t psych yourself out because of the name of the college.  It should sound authentic.  If you shared this with a friend and didn’t have your name attached – would your friends recognize it – the story, the personality, the writing?  Too many essays get over-edited; become plain; sterile.  
  • When writing supplements, don’t neglect shorter essays.  You should give as much attention to short essays as the long one.  “Why College X” shouldn’t read like the Wikipedia page. 
  • Don’t wait until the very last minute.  Many colleges post essay topics long before application is due, sometimes before the app goes live.  Prepare and write multiple drafts.  Don’t try and capture your entire life; use moments, memories, stories, small things.  

What’s difference between Early Action and Early Decision? 

  • ED is a binding commitment – if you get in, you’re going.  Student, parent, college counselor sign contract – student will enroll if admitted and withdraw other apps.  Admit rate can be higher in ED.  BUT – you’re applying and committing without knowing if you’ll get scholarship.  Use the Net Price Calculator on each college’s website to understand how much need-based aid you might qualify for.  Apply with eyes open about financial piece.  
  • Early action means an early deadline and notification date, but you don’t have to enroll if admitted – have until May 1 to decide.  

What’s your favorite tradition on your campus? 

  • UGA – Before football games, a trumpet plays first few bars of Battle Hymn of the Republic.  It’s an honor to be chosen to play the silver trumpet in the top corner of the stadium before the game.  
  • Rhodes – Non-school sanctioned tradition includes riding the Lynx statue ($25 fine from campus security)
  • Dartmouth – Homecoming night bonfire on the green: freshmen build the bonfire, are given college credit for it – grad year goes on top, a rep from every class they can find leads in (this year back to 1940’s), alums lead freshman class to the green to light the bonfire – 6 stories of flames; run around the bonfire the number of times as your grad year at the top.
  • American – During start of school year, giant statue of American eagle greets students, all rub his claw as they exit

What parting advice can you offer?

  • Parents: stay in your lane.  Take time to reflect, value having formed positive memories, don’t make dinnertime miserable by dominating with college talk.  Students: take ownership.  This is your process – communicate with parents and counselors.  
  • Do your homework; visit campuses.  Tack onto a family vacation, and it doesn’t matter if you know the school or not.  Think about archetypes, what sorts of things connect with you, what don’t.  Walk around on your own, stop by campus the night before. 
  • Trust your college counseling team; they can help you, want to get to know you, and can be a great resource
  • Just breathe and get focused on fit.  You will get in somewhere.  It’s not about name of school, location of school; it’s about the things you take away from it; the ways you get involved.  Make the most of your opportunity.